Pass the Bread

The bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. John 6:33

Christmas trees and lights are up sparkling with color in our home. The advent wreath sits in the center of the table. The Fischer Price nativity scene is under the tree. This year my youngest daughter has thoroughly enjoyed the little nativity. She takes the time to line up all the little people and animals to have them dance before Jesus. She pushes the little star on the top to play music and helps all the creatures pass before baby Jesus to worship Him. In this little act, she has taught me the art and joy of worshiping Jesus. Learning from her that each of us must pass by baby Jesus and not pass Him up – not only in this season but in every season.

In the gospel of Luke, two men were walking on the road to Emmaus when a third man joined them. The men were in deep conversation about the events that had just transpired in Jerusalem (the death and resurrection of Jesus). The man who just joined them asked what they were talking about. As they walked and talked they were amazed that he did not know the current events which everyone seemed to be talking about in Jerusalem – that this man named Jesus died and rose again. Little did they know at that time that this man was THE MAN  – Jesus. It was only revealed to them later on when He blessed and passed the bread and their eyes were opened. Later they said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures.?” (Luke 24:32)

Over 2000 years ago a miracle came to earth. Many people will celebrate this Bread of Life, but some will miss the celebration of tasting the bread –  experiencing the love of Jesus. This season, I will host dinners, feast with family and friends, stand in line in stores, bake lots of cookies, send Christmas cards, wrap presents, and give presents all the while the manger scene will be under my tree. Hopefully in the midst of my busyness, I will remember the true reason for this season.  I can be like those men who walked with Jesus but never saw him. Or I can be waiting, anticipating and excited to take my turn to worship him – daily, often, and in every season. May I take the time to receive the gift that has been given to me and remember to pass the Bread of Life to others. May each of one of us anticipate and see Jesus in this season. 

Pass the Bread
Line Up. Host. Give. Worship.

How will I worship Jesus this year? Will I pass the Bread to others?

One thought on “Pass the Bread

  1. Chloe shared this with our family’s WhatsApp group. It’s a great reminder of where our focus should be this season and every day!

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