Be Grateful

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:29

November is a time to refocus and bring my heart to a place of gratitude. It starts with Veterans Day, where I can celebrate those who courageously fought for my freedom. It culminates with Thanksgiving – a time for table fellowship with family and to give thanks for the harvest. I come from a farm family and just like the original settlers, my family will be laboring around the clock this month to bring in the harvest. They will be extremely grateful for this day of rest and to enjoy the fruit of their labors. I have fond and bittersweet memories of Thanksgiving, as I always remember my grandmother and her table laden with wonderful food and amazing pies. I am still trying to replicate her cherry pie recipe.

For everyone the harvest time and Thanksgiving may be celebrated a bit differently. It may be a time to get away and relax from one’s labors, or to enjoy good food and family time. Or to find a few good deals the next day. However, one celebrates this season of Thanksgiving, there is one thing that everyone can do – come to the table and practice giving thanks!  My prayer for this season is to increase my table fellowship with God and others, and to let my words not be capricious but meaningful and intentional. I have been teaching my kids the importance and meaningfulness of giving thanks. Sowing seeds of thanksgiving to produce a harvest of contagious gratitude and peace.

Table fellowship and gratitude should go hand in hand. This week I read in the gospel of Luke (7:36-50) how Jesus took his place at the table of a Pharisee. A sinful woman heard Jesus would be at this table and brought her alabaster box and washed His feet with her tears. This familiar story of grace shows extreme gratitude. This woman courageously brought her tears to the table at the feet of Jesus not fearing the condemnation of others. She was rewarded with a feast of forgiveness, salvation and peace. Jesus said to her, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Table fellowship with Jesus is were grace and forgiveness meet gratitude and peace. 

Practice extreme gratitude this Thanksgiving season and take your seat at His table to receive forgiveness and peace. Giving gratitude should be contagious, meaningful and be lavished upon the Prince of Peace. Trust that in spite of your failings there is always room at His table.

Be Grateful
Contagious. Courageous. Peace.

How is your ‘harvest’ this year? Where and to whom can you sow gratitude?