Living a Legacy

Not just leaving a legacy

I recently I was out to lunch with a friend. We were contemplating our next steps in leu of our current mom busyness and she was commenting on how she wants to be remembered. “Really you are only remembered by your kids and grandkids,” she commented. She selfishly wants more than that as a historian she wants to be remembered for more. I think we all want to leave a legacy, but are we actually living one out today!

This made me start thinking about legacy, history and what do I want to be remembered for when my soul goes to heaven. I started writing these blog posts in remembrance of my grandmother and her legacy (Savor Love). My hubby complied some of these in a book, so that my kids could read them in case they were taken down from the internet. Now, I think the blog posts have done more to transform me than to be legacy worthy, but then I realized that is what I need. To be a living testimony. Living out a legacy of faith not just leaving a legacy. Tell your kids truth now, not just leave them with truth.  Walk out my faith in real time, not just in peoples’ memories. That is what matters and in doing that I will undoubtedly leave a legacy of faith for generations. 

King David understood the importance of living out one’s faith and before he died imparted this truth to his son, the soon-to-be, King Solomon. “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your  God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules and his testimonies.” (1 Kings 12:2) This is legacy giving and the way to legacy living. God’s testimonies and statutes lived out in our everyday lives.  

Live. Legacy. Faith. 

What does it look like to live out my faith in my present? What do I want to be remembered for today?