Healthy Habits

Create in me a clean heart O Lord and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

In my last post, Open Door, I talked about what will boil to the surface during this time. It is interesting to see everyone’s social media activity increase during this “home assignment”. All of us are seeing both healthy and unhealthy habits forming in our homes. I will focus on the healthy ones first and devote another post to unhealthy habits. Kids are learning about the spread of germs and the priority of hand washing. There has been a heightened habit toward healthy eating and family bonding. We have had more family meals in one week than in our usual month. Probably the most important is healthy hearts, taking more time to study the Bible and sharing times of love and truth with my kids without rushing through it. Actually, not rushing through anything! Healthy habits thrive with healthy hearts.

Healthy Hygiene
This virus has caused all to think about the germs that surround us and focus on cleanliness. It has brought on mandatory home assignments, keeping a healthy distance from one another. In the Bible there are many examples of when God called His people to be separate and to cleanse themselves. Some reasons for this were to maintain healthy diets, contain the spread of diseases and avoid wrong spiritual influences. God is concerned for the physical, emotional and spiritual health of His people. He set out rules and guidelines for His people that continue to provide wisdom for us today. These laws are written in the Bible for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Take a look. You have time! There are plenty of online versions of the Bible. I use this one, YouVersion.

Healthy Rhythms
As the family routines have been drastically changed I felt it imperative to keep a healthy schedule, especially with the added responsibility of homeschooling.  Creating a good rhythm helps to keep the family functioning in these uncertain times. Schedules create consistency and security. God scheduled the creation of the earth (Genesis 1-2) and instituted a schedule for work and rest. Whatever the infectious storm facing us right now, the rhythm of life and love must flourish in our homes. Keep growing and working to show love to one another. The only way to do this is to keep your own heart healthy.

Healthy Hearts
The most important thing that has boiled to the surface in my home is my heart and the hearts of my loved ones. Who I look to for encouragement, not what I cling to is crucial to finding peace. Many homes are scrambling to understand and adjust to this new “normal”. As the world has become one global place of infection, hearts need to turn to something or someone for their spiritual health and peace. God is here. He knows the situation better than anyone. He sees us. He is looking for us to find Him and know Him. My family has been playing lots of hide and seek. If you have been trying to hide from God or trying to find him, please know He is looking for you and wanting to give you peace in Him. “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to their deeds.” Jeremiah 17:10

Healthy Habits
Hygiene. Rhythms. Hearts.

What healthy habits am I discovering in my home/heart? Write them down and share in comments below. Keep them as a record to go back to again and again.