
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

In winter life seems to lay dormant and discouragement can have its full effect if one allow it. This is when my spirit must come alive in greater measure. I recently found an old journal entry that had laid dormant in my archives and I thought to bring it to life as it encouraged my soul and hopefully revive yours as well.

Gratefulness can be learned at any age. Sometimes it needs to be relearned. Once I learn to be grateful then I am able to display gratefulness to others.  I am learning as I am also trying to teach gratefulness to my child’s Sunday school class full. I learn it in my daily, as I try to teach my kids. I am learning it so I can live it out in my life! 

Gratefulness is discovered when one opens their eyes to the moment at hand. In our dailyness it is found. And where it is found…there is God. The giver of the  gift. The giver of all gifts. The giver of the only gift that matters.  

Here’s my list of gratefulness today… August 26, 2013

  1. Morning hugs and questions of what today holds for my three year old. 
  2. Young little hands learning to wash the dishes. 
  3. Little feet on tiptoes running to his next adventure. 
  4. Clean toilets that can be checked off the chore list. 
  5. Fall clothes that are well-worn and comfy. 
  6. Little children on small little blue chairs listening at preschool chapel. 
  7. The woman at the well who shared the gospel so that I could one day hear it  too. 
  8. Little voices enjoying their books. 
  9. Smiles when I pick my child up from school. 
  10. Good naps!

Here’s my list of gratefulness for today… January 27, 2021

  1. Technology that saved my memories.
  2. The bus that picked up my twins and took them to in-person school.
  3. The voice of teachers trying to engage over zoom so my child can learn.
  4. A three year old who has grown up to be a lovely little preteen.
  5. The creativity that lines the halls of my home.
  6. My home – full of noise, laughter and love.
  7. My heart – content that words don’t define but God defines me.
  8. My daily Nespresso coffee break.
  9. Super Glue that fixes almost everything.
  10.  Gratefulness lists that bring me joy!

This month, I challenge you to journal your list of gratefulness, maybe include your spouse and family. See how all your spirits come alive.

A Revived Spirit

What keeps me from gratefulness?