
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (Phil. 4:12)

Another mom and I were exchanging our mealtime dramas. Meals at my home leave me exhausted from trying to coax my kids to finish their food. One of the few foods I have no problem coaxing them to eat are donuts! Of course it is something not good for them. In my friend’s home, she is constantly telling them “enough is enough!” A ferocious appetite is good, but for each of us, going too far and lusting for more of what we don’t need or what is not good for us is a constant dilemma. The desire and hunger for more can leave one discontent and vying for more attention from others.

In Jeremiah, the Israelites had similar problems with lust. God fed them to the full and yet they committed adultery. He quotes them as being like “well-fed, lusty stallions”(Jeremiah 5:7-8). God was not pleased with their choices and was jealous for their affections.

Sometimes, when I am not in the right place, I lust for more of what I don’t need and my wants take over. The Israelites in these verses in Jeremiah, reveal their lust for more. They chased after other gods and their neighboring nations’ daughters and wives. It is tempting to lust after more…significance, a name, title, position, home…the better life or wife. Adultery and idolatry are both truly ugly and can be lurking everywhere and anywhere in my soul. The lust for more.

Only God can bring me back to understand true contentment when I am well-fed. Content in Him. The apostle Paul learned the secret of being content in his years of struggle and imprisonment. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (PHil. 4:12) His contentment and strength came in Christ, because Paul learned to be refueled by Christ.


Contentment is not just a state of the mind. It is a result of being well-fed. My circumstances will not give me contentment, but they can lead me (as they did Paul) to a place of inner contentment. My circumstances can lead me void and empty or lusting for more. Contentment is knowing when enough is enough. When He becomes enough for me.

Lust. Refuel. Refocus.Contentment.

Who or what is feeding my soul?

How do I refuel?