
And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing. Ezekiel 47:12

Summer is for swimming. At least here in the Midwest, where there are only a few short months of warmth. My kids just finished their summer swim lessons and are ready for the summer.  Swim lessons conjure up fond memories – one I grew up with every summer. I know it will be lots of work – loading everyone in the car, getting them there on time and later showering everyone. I know it will take great effort on my part.

I don’t remember the details of my swim lessons, but watching my kids, I see the endurance and effort required to learn each stroke. For the teacher, it takes great patience, grace and compassion. Swimming comes easy to me now, but it took years of effort to get here. I know I can always improve. I know my mom sacrificed hours watching me learn to swim and I will go down the same path just so my kids can learn to swim too. It is a life skill I really want them to master. Sometimes the path in life takes great effort and endurance. That should not inhibit me from taking it. There is fruit along the journey and definitely at the end of it.

In the final chapters of Ezekiel, God showed him a vision of the water flowing from the temple and slowly led him down a pathway following the flow of the water. God took him a few feet at a time, each time the water kept getting deeper. The pathway eventually led him into a big river. He followed it until he was actually swimming.

I feel like that is how God has led me in my journey – little by little, stroke by stroke, down this river of life. Daily, He reveals more of Himself and His truth as I swim upstream, trusting Him along the way and going deeper with Him until I am swimming fully in His presence.

What level will I allow God to take me – ankle, knee or waist deep? It is easy to sink if I allow the doubts and fears to creep in and I don’t see the fruit along the way. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning instead of swimming. I lose my confidence and focus. Eventually, I get my footing again and I start swimming – stroke by stroke, day by day. 

God brought Ezekiel out of the water to show him all the fruit the river will produce. It is lush and full of  fruit every month. His presence from the sanctuary flows downstream to keep the fruits alive in our lives.  God’s presence brings out the fruit in my life to nourish my soul and those around me. Sometimes I have to stop ‘swimming’ to enjoy my surroundings and see God’s provision in my life.

My kids passed their swim levels. Now, we are on to the next level. God can take me to the next level if I pass the one before it. For today, I need to master the skill of swimming with God and allow Him to direct the flow of my life. Daily it is a test of my ability to just keep swimming, to look up and see the fruit.

Effort. Path. Level. Fruit.

What level am I swimming at today with God? Can I see the fruit?