“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
It is that time. I get the privilege of teaching my daughter to drive. (Prayers please!) Best piece of advice to give her is to “stay in your lane.” Or is it?! It would appear to be if we were confident that others were staying in their lanes as well. Sometimes though if a driver swerves into our lane, then we need to either “honk” (which is what my husband says is the purpose for the horn!) or move over. But what if staying in your lane is not what you are supposed to be doing?
I had a conversation recently where someone was applauding a person for being good at staying in their lane. With the current climate in our society “staying in one’s lane and not make waves” appears to be the safest option. That is what a majority of us are doing. It is comfortable to stay in our own lanes, driving well and minding our own business. The problem occurs when society tries to veer in our lane. That is when this Mama Bear needs to honk her horn. Maybe visit a school board meeting. Testify at a city council meeting. Maybe make some noise. Parents need to be heard and freedoms need to be respected. The church needs to rise up and not veer. It might just be the right time to be courageous. Rise up and share with others the steadfast love of the Lord is the only path to freedom.
Freedom from fear. Freedom from poverty. Freedom of religion. Freedom as a gift not a right.
This might be a controversial blog post, but staying in my lane is no longer an option. I need to teach my daughter the right path forward before others try to get in her lane and cause her to veer elsewhere. Stay courageous Mama Bears & Papa Bears!
Rise Up. Teach. Freedom.
What lane am I trying to stay in and is it working for me? What does freedom look like for me?