Pursue Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal. 5:1

For Valentine’s my husband and I enjoyed a rare treat – a quiet dinner out with just the two of us. We tried a new restaurant and shared our meals so that each of us could get a taste of more off the menu. When either of us enjoy something, we say to the other, “you got to taste this..it is amazing!” Sharing is great especially when it is something good. I love to share great foods, books, recipes, and movies with my friends. One of the greatest things I have to share I don’t always think about – my freedom!

Recently, I watched the movie, Harriet, which depicted the heroic journey of Harriet Tubman as a slave and freedom runner for the Underground Railroad. It was hard to watch yet inspiring. After watching I was intrigued by her story and pursuit of freedom. She did not think to waste her freedom, but to share it with others. She would encourage others…“If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”  She worked tirelessly until her dying days to promote equal rights for blacks and women. Although she never learned to read or write, she could share her story and inspirations with others through her bold speeches and storytelling. They called Harriet, ‘the Moses’ because she led people to freedom. When someone tastes the beauty of freedom, their only true response is to share it with others.

All of us are slaves to something or someone – in the bondage of depression, idolatry, despair or disillusionment. The Apostle Paul wrote passionately for freedom even when He was in chains and imprisoned for sharing the good news. In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 9 shares Paul’s passion for freedom. Apostle Paul was a runner like Harriet. Running his race for freedom and to share that freedom in Christ with others. The past will repeat itself if I don’t realize the freedom I can and should embrace. The freedom I have received in Christ Jesus from sin and death. Paul urges us to fix our eyes on the prize. Harriet ran where God showed her to go and so will I. Come, taste and pursue the freedom that is found in Christ Jesus.

Pursue Freedom
Run. Taste. Share.

What does freedom mean to me? How can I share freedom with others?