
Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

My mother-in-law once taught me to reserve the leftover rice water after rinsing my rice and then pour it over my flowers. The nutrients from the rice water nourishes the ground like a type of fertilizer. This simple act taught me an important lesson – never waste, but make room for opportunities of growth. What does manure, mustard seed and leaven have in common? Besides the fact that they are all part of the parables in the book of Luke (chapter 13), they all represent active ingredients that provide nutrients for growth, revival and transformation. Growth – something all of us are seeking, whether for ourselves or others. We are not to waste our life, but are created to grow and bear fruit.

Jesus shared this parable. There was a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and it was barren. For three years it had no fruit, so the man was going to cut it down. The vine dresser asked to dig around it and put on manure, giving it one more chance to bear fruit. (Luke 13:6-9) In this parable the manure was the nutrient to create revival.  Many times when things are going dead, they just need some active nutrients to revive and bear fruit. Manure for the soil of our souls is sometimes difficult to handle, but necessary.

Mustard Seed
Jesus shared another parable about the mustard seed. Even though it is a small grain it can grow and become a tree, such that the birds of the air can make their nests in it. (Luke 13:18-19) This tiny seed can grow so vast that it can nurture other life. That is what growth in my life can and should look to accomplish. Through tiny acts of kindness, tiny measures of faith spreading and producing growth to be shared with others.

Jesus shared another parable about leaven. A woman took it and hid it in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.(Luke 13:20-21) Leaven is a small substance, typically yeast. When put within the right ingredients, over time becomes alive and active, creating fermentation. Active ingredients create transformative growth.

There are things in my life lying dormant that need to come alive. Areas in my soul that need to be refreshed and nourished. There are seasons of no growth and seasons of tremendous growth. God gives me daily bread to nourish my soul in all seasons of life, so that I can grow and give to others. He allows the seeds to germinate and grow in His timing with the nutrients of faith, hope and love.


What areas in my life need activating nutrients to grow and bear fruit?