
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11‬ ‭

On my vacation last week I overheard a father scolding his child, “Why do you have to be so messy?” This stung me not so much how he said it to his own child, but feeling guilty because similar words have been spoken by me.
I struggle with my messy kids. Mostly because I have differing expectations.
I struggle because I have enabled them.
I struggle because I am an older mom and have less energy.
I struggle because I am exhausted from this pandemic year.
I read recently that struggle or conflict is placed in our lives as an opportunity. So I need to think of my mess as an opportunity!

Life is messy, especially with kids. What I fail to remember as a parent is that the mess is part of the normal with kids. How do they know how not to be messy? Instead of scolding, I need to teach how to get “unmessy”! I need to teach more and scold less. I need the cleaning agent of love.

The verse above about putting away childish ways is inserted right in the middle of the “Love chapter” in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13). It is popularly read at weddings. My personal reflection for the reason for this is that love is something that must grow in our lives and permeate our homes. It must be generously applied. Love leads they way to undo the messy in our lives. Living better must first start with loving better. God is teaching me this! He is still training me to be less childish and less messy.

Life. Love. Live.

What “mess” is causing me to struggle in my home? How can I clean it up with love?