
There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?  John 6:9

Almost every day, my hubby will take a lunchbox full of leftovers. He could go out and buy, but he performs this simple act to bless our family. This lunchbox is also a healthier option for him and I feel good about providing him a meal that he can enjoy, is healthy and saves us money – a triple blessing for the family.

There was another important lunchbox that was carried by a young boy who went to listen to an amazing teacher – Jesus. Of the five thousand people who came to hear Jesus, it is recorded in John that a little boy had brought a lunch consisting of five loaves and two fish. This famous parable is recorded in all four major gospels – the miracle performed by Jesus to feed the crowd of over 5,000.  While studying this, I discovered some special parallels between Jesus and the young lad.

It was a long day for all the people listening to the words of Jesus. This little lad had taken food provisions for himself (probably lovingly packed by his mommy). Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that God would call him to give it away. Jesus also had something to give that day. His words of Life to give the crowds that would feed their hungry souls.  Although He also recognized they were physically hungry.

Both the lad and Jesus had something good they were willing to share. Jesus willingly shared His Truth to nourish their souls. The boy had loaves and fishes he was willing to share with Jesus who then multiplied it to share with the crowd. This challenges me to consider what is in my life that I am willing to share with others. It is not easy to share. I am not generous by nature. I never had to teach my kids to be selfish, but I am constantly trying to teach them to share and be generous.

After everyone had eaten and were full, it is recorded that the disciples gathered up 12 baskets full of fragments – a miracle. God shows us that His provision is both satisfying and abundant. There is nothing recorded about the boy’s reaction to his gift, but I know I would feel blessed if I saw my lunchbox multiplied, generously given and found out there was more than enough!

Give. Share. Abundance.

Who knew a lunchbox could be such a blessing to so many? What is in your lunchbox and are you willing to share it?