Life & Lemons

I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Proverbs 4:11-12

Recently, I was driving my kids to the pool, one of our favorite summertime activities, and we passed a lemonade stand. My kids implored me to turn back around and stop so they could compare their lemonade with kid’s lemonade stand. I once had a complete business lesson with my son while preparing his own lemonade stand. I am not sure he understood all the business lingo, but it was fun to see his entrepreneurial spirit come alive. He might not make a living out of running lemonade stands, but he thinks he is a connoisseur of lemonade. However, on this specific day of trying out this new lemonade, I have my doubts. Each of my children tried the lemonade and did not like it because it was made with real lemons and was the real thing. One kid commented, “ I like our powdered stuff better.” I realized then and there that they had drank so much of the alternative “fake powder” that they had no more appreciation for the real stuff. Life can be like a cup of lemonade, the real stuff may not be as flavorful and we only like the fake stuff. (Social media has helped to perpetuate this ideology.)

I recently started working out with Females in Action (FiA) locally, where all the workouts are peer led and it is understood that none of us are trained professionals. Everyone works out at their own risk. I led the Run Club workout last week and shared this little tidbit with the ladies that I thought was meaningful and addressed this idea of real over fake living. I love acronyms so I thought I would make one for R.U.N. as well.

R: Run in Your Own Lane
In a world full of “fake alternatives” it is easy to get caught up in comparison and envy other peoples’ lifestyles, families, occupation and only focus on their so called “Facebook” life. It’s easy to feed our souls and minds with the “fake” stuff that the real is unrecognizable to us. Trying to stay in my own lane is hard, but I challenge myself and all of us to focus on what is real and keep running our own race well. God is with us and is here to challenge us through His word to “Run and not grow wear, to walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) He has given us one life to live. Live it well to His glory, honor and praise. (Not for the “likes” of men.)

U: Understand Your Uniqueness
Through my own life coaching and trainings, I have realized the benefits of reflecting on my uniqueness and what I bring to the table everyday. I have a strong sense of belief, which is part of my uniqueness. One of the sayings I have learned is this, “Our beliefs are what drive our behavior. You will never act outside your beliefs, at least not for any length of time. Most of us do the things we do because of our core beliefs.”
Looking into how you are wired is truly beneficial to accepting the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm139) and draws one closer to one’s creator, God. He has given all of us a unique DNA and abilities to match this DNA with skill sets. Once I accept this truth, I can fully engage in my own lane, tasting the goodness and realness in my life instead of fake lemonade.

N: Never loose Hope
Sometimes life may give me lemons and I can forget to go to the real source and instead prefer the alternative “fake” reality. This is when I need to go to the word of God for His view on the world, my life and how I should function in it. Real lemons are sour, but God provides the sweetness of honey through His words to give us hope and lead us into deeper meaning and purpose in life. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight! (Proverbs 3:5-6)
When life gives me lemons I only want to make real lemonade with it! Focusing on my reality, so the fake alternative is not even appetizing.

Life & Lemons
Run in your Lane. Uniqueness. Never Loose Hope.

How real does my lemonade taste to me? Where do I go for my source of sweetness?

If life seems more life fake lemons and you want to understand your uniqueness and taste real lemons again, please email me to book a free discovery session.