Grill On

And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, none like him for all the signs and the wonders that the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt
Deuteronomy 34:10-11

Cooking is a continual process of buying, storing up, discovering flavors and keeping families happily fed.  I love introducing seasonal foods and diversify our palettes -the warmth of a pot of curry in the winter or the freshness of grilled food in summer. Just like in cooking, there are seasons in life. Each season has its own memories to embrace. It’s challenges and lessons to learn. It’s wisdom to share. Seasonal food to nourish the soul.

This week, as I finished the book of Deuteronomy, I was sad to see the end of the season for Moses. The book closes with this beautiful song (Ch. 32) and words of blessing for each tribe of Israel (Ch. 33). His message was specific, powerful and full of life for the future of God’s people. He provided the song and the commands to bless them – providing food for their souls to store up for their journey.

This made me think of my own journey with my family and it’s various seasons…potty-training toddlers, youthful innocence, awkward teens, college-bound young adults, newlyweds, parenting, empty-nesting, grandparenting and aging. Moses journeyed with the Israelites and endured all their seasons and complaining as He walked face to face with God. He blessed the next generation and gave them wisdom to face their new season in the promised land with a young leader, Joshua.

I am challenged by Moses’ inspiring face to face relationship with God.  He also knew to seek the wisdom and blessings from His father-in-law. I want to grab all the wisdom, insight and blessings for each season in my journey. Store it up for future use. Keeping the communications open and intentional with multiple generations. For those who walk before me – gain their wisdom and insight. For those who walk behind me – leave some nuggets. Spiritual food for the soul. Keep cooking – get your grill on.

Grill on
Seasonal. Delightful. Soulful.

What spiritual season am I in now? What foods am I storing up?