Follies to Feasting


The people feasting were blessed, their voices heard and their prayers came to his holy habitation in heaven. (2 Chronicles 20:27)

Summer in my house has been full of eating and table fellowship, from 4th of July picnics to family reunions to vacationing in the mountains. Lots of wholesome gatherings and connection with loved ones. Summer is a time for grazing on not so good food as well like hotdogs, ice cream and the likes. Feasting or folly? Life can be full of fellowship and good food, but maybe not necessarily that right kind of feasting. What makes it hard to truly feast? Distraction (busyness) is the number one culprit for me. I feel despair in not getting to the table with God for true fellowship. I am snacking at best. Not really taking the appropriate time to feast and fellowship with God. The danger in this folly can venture towards discouragement and depression. Disillusionment and defiance can also keep one from feasting. These follies make me miss the table fellowship and opportunities to feast with God.

In the prophet Hezekiah’s days, the people had neglected coming to the temple to celebrate the passover. Hezekiah sends word to encourage a coming to the table to feast together in Jerusalem. Many declined, but there were a few from the tribe of Asher, Manasseh, Zebulun and the tribe of Judah. “The hand of God was on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and princes commanded by the word of the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 30:12) So the Jews came together to repent, make offerings and feast. They were so encouraged by the gathering that they extended the celebration from 7 days to 14 days. Feasting for 14 days while they prayed, rejoiced and celebrated restoration.

I am convicted. Could I feast for 14 days with all the current distractions in my life? As I looked over this chapter in the Bible again and again, I was struck by the end result of the feasting. Great joy in Jerusalem not since the time of King Solomon. The result of repentant prayer, offerings and feasting is to bring restoration and rejoicing – great JOY!  Their feasting led to a true connection with God. This should be my inspiration and ultimate goal – connection!

How can I turn my follies of distraction to feasting? The Bible if full of examples of how God’s people feasted with Him.  Feasting is about a true repentance and dependence on God. The result of authentic feasting is dependence which leads to desire and dedication. Creating a determination to keep going no matter the cost. Deepening my relationship with God and establishing a diligence to continue to fight the good fight. Remembering all the while that there is an enemy, the Devil, trying to turn my feasting to folly. He is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Wherever you are in your journey I pray you can turn your follies to feasting -striving not to miss a day of connection with God.

Follies to Feasting
Distraction to Dependence. Distance to Connection.

How can I turn my follies to feasting? What is keeping me from true connection with God?