Empty Vessel

Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man’s dwelling, but a foolish man devours it. Proverbs 21:20

My dear friend is gifted in making beautiful artistic pottery. I am always delighted to receive one of her pieces and feel it is too valuable to put anything in it. So, I leave this cherished treasure empty and stored-up in a display case. There, I trust it to be safe.

Lately, I have been struggling with trust issues – mostly with finances and seeing God’s provision. I know God is taking me through this season for a reason. He wants me to depend upon Him – to be empty for Him to fill me up. Just like this little treasure from my friend, I trust God will take care of me and keep me safe because I am His treasure.

I have been meditating on the woman who went to God’s prophet, Elisha, out of desperation (2 Kings 4:1-7). Her husband had died. Her debts were mounting up and the creditor was going to make her two sons as his slaves. She went to the man of God seeking help. His response, “What can I do for you? Tell me, What do you have in your house?” Ok. If I were her, I would be like…nothing…that is why I am coming to you! But, Elisha knew God wanted her to think of what she did have. The treasure was in her house. All she needed to do was trust God.

Elisha asked the woman to gather up all the empty jars she could find in her house and from her neighbors and to go home, shut the door and start pouring out the oil. The woman obeyed all that Elisha had said. As she poured out her oil, jars were filled and when there was no more empty vessels the oil stopped flowing. Then, she went back to Elisha to tell him about all the filled jars. He then told her, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on the rest.” Her treasure multiplied as she obeyed and put her trust in God. God provides but He looks to us to do some of the legwork in the journey. Our hope is found in Him.

God’s provision for the woman cancelled her debt and saved her sons from slavery. It also allowed her to live on the rest. I am sure this miraculous jar of oil gave her a renewed confidence in God’s care over her and her family. Like this woman, I have a debt and a bondage to slavery that Jesus paid for me. He paid my debt of sin and provided the treasure of the Holy Spirit in my life so I can live a lifestyle of trust, hope and confidence. I know my dwelling is secure with His oil. He poured into me, so He can pour out of me.

All of us can have this treasure in our lives. I know I need to trust God more not just in my desperation, but also in my dailyness. There will be financial issues – medical bills, cars breaking down, extra kid expenses, etc. I want to be wise, like the woman, and go to God for His provision and to see my trust deepened. I am an empty vessel – treasured by Him.

Empty Vessel
Trust. Hope. Confidence.

Where does my emptiness lead me? Where do I need to trust God more?