You only get 18 summers with your kids. 18 summers of making memories together before they’re grown. 18 summers to impact their lives.
When my boys were little, summer was synonymous with “kids covered in dirt”. My boys loved playing outside in the dirt, running, exploring nature, digging in the dirt, finding bugs, playing at the park, and did I mention dirt? While it was darling watching them interact with the big world around them, the days felt longer and more exhausting than they did impactful.
As my boys have gotten older, however, summer has gained a more charming appeal. While I undoubtedly embrace the glorious 6.5 hours of quiet time a school day gifts me, my heart yearns for summer break with my boys.
I crave the daily connection summer break affords us. It’s the carefree vibe of days void of schedules and busyness that I long for, and the opportunities for adventure with them that I eagerly await.
Yes, I said ADVENTURE.
You and I are called to live a life of adventure. We are called to raise our children to live adventurous lives. Not necessarily the hanging from a cliff, jumping out of airplanes, terrifying kind of adventure. But the adventurousness of boldly living.
When we put the electronics away, when we give our undivided attention to each other, and live adventurously… that’s when real connection with our kids and our Creator occurs.
Author Roger W. Thompson wrote this in his book, We Stood Upon Stars, to implore us to live a life of adventure.
“There is a higher purpose of adventure. An adventure simultaneously reveals who we are capable of becoming and nudges us in that direction. Even more, an adventure does the same for our children. Before they are plagued with doubts about what they can’t do, a good adventure shows them what they can. And the more they hike the mountain, or cross the river, or stare at the stars, the more they will ask the bigger questions and believe in the bigger version of themselves. On the playground, they wonder if they have the superpowers to overcome their fears; a good adventure will prove that they do.”
Friend, I want my children to live an adventurous life. I want them to lean into the wild and be filled with wonder.
When adventure calls them into the unknown, I want mystery and excitement to flood their souls as they push themselves to try something new. I want them to marvel at and explore God’s handiwork, to ask big questions, to take a risk on themselves, to believe in themselves, and to live boldly.
And I want to be right there living adventurously with them!
I want our hearts to be connected to the stories that adventure brings, the stories we cling to and tell over and over again, laughing and recounting the memories together.
I want this for me AND FOR YOU!
That’s why I’m challenging you to be intentional with your kids this summer!
I challenge you to start living a bold and adventurous life that will make a lasting impact on this summer and the remaining summers you have left together.
And I’ve mapped out a plan to help you…

With 65+ adventure prompts, a summer bucket list, and customizable 30-day agenda, the 30-Day Sane Mom Summer Challenge will help you:
· Connect with your kids and be truly in-the-moment present with them.
· Create a habit of spending quality time with your kids every single day.
· Begin making small changes to your home and family routines that will have a long-lasting impact.
· Better balance your to-do list with your want-to-dos (more family time and less housework)!
· Be a fun mom your kids WANT to hang out with!
You, mama, were called to a life of adventure and get to lead your children in living their own adventurous lives. I pray that you step out in boldness to show them the way and that your hearts find joy and connection in your time together!

Alisha, her three energetic boys, hubby, and two adorable cats live in the suburbs of Chicago. When she’s not writing, enjoying an afternoon with friends or redecorating their home, you’ll find her daydreaming about Maui or on an “adventure” with her family.
Alisha’s focus is helping moms break free from overwhelm and create space to live the life they’ve always wanted. You can connect with her, laugh with her, dig into hard truths together, be encouraged by God’s word, and rock mom-life together at! Also make sure to check out her podcast, Real Mom Talk, and follow her on IG @MsAlishaCarlson.