“I provide coaching engagements that allow Moms to reflect and re-engage with their giftings and unique calling.”
Melinda desires to equip and inspire young women and SAHMs (Stay at Home Moms), transitioning into the workforce. Her coaching draws out your unique values and gifts while finding your purpose and contentment with God. Coaching helps emphasize the importance of reflecting on your uniqueness, connecting with your passions, transitions, workflow, relationships and finding fulfillment utilizing your God-given gifts.
Melinda holds a BA in Management/Marketing from Indiana University and an MS in Intercultural Communications from Wheaton College. She is married to her loving husband, Chris and they live in the suburbs of Chicago with their four children. She loves food, bible, and culture and finds fulfillment in incorporating them all in a devotional blog at Freelyfeast.com. Come. Taste and See. God is good!